Our Virtual Career Fair Solution

Make every second inside of the Career Fair valuable.
Designed around pre-scheduled video chats and candidate pre-screening, the Eventus solution is built to connect recruiters and candidates in the most effective way.

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Core Features for a Successful Hiring Event

Video Powered Sessions

Allow recruiters and candidates to network in 1-on-1 or group video sessions straight from the browser, no installation required.

Pre-Scheduled Bookings

Allow candidates to schedule 1-on-1 sessions with recruiters to help create meaningful connections.

Automated Reminders

Upon registering, candidates and recruiters will receive automated and configurable emails to help remind them of the event.

Fully Branded Environment

Customize the look and feel of your virtual fair to be consistent with your brand.

Seamless Recruiter Signup

Invite recruiters to self-manage their own booth with our simple onboarding process.

Dedicated Support

Once onboarded, you'll be given a dedicated account manager to ensure your event is a success.

Resume Drop-Off

Participants can upload and drop-off their resumes digitally to recruiters attending your virtual fair.

Powerful Reporting

Generate reports on your event engagement in real time.

Candidate Pre-Screening

Allow your recruiters to screen for candidates with proper qualifications and prerequisites.

Product Showcase

A Digital Hall Candidates Love

Our digitally re-imagined career fair hall is incredibly simple to pick up.

Candidates can easily peruse recruiter booths and book sessions with the ones they are interested in.

Phone Graphic

How does it Work?

  • Create your Event

    Set up your event details. This can be as easy as just a name, a description, timeframe and a logo.

  • Invite your Recruiters

    Invite your Recruiters via a simple interface where you enter their emails. Recruiters receive an email invite that includes instructions and credentials for setting up their digital booth.

  • Invite your Candidates and Go Live!

    Candidates are invited to the event via email. There is a brief sign-up process after they read your event description. They can then interact with Recruiter booths via scheduled or drop-in video calls.

You're in Good Company

Casey K

Partner Event Lead


"Eventus has an intuitive and professional interface that would reflect well on any organization. We loved how each page could be customized with our own branding. In an internal post-event survey, both members and recruiters overall rated the platform as 'excellent' due to its ease of use and strength of the 1:1 booking technology. Also, the customer support was exceptional."

Elenie A

Campus Recruiter

Ernst & Young

"Everything worked beautifully with the sessions. The students followed the instructions we noted in the system and joined our Zoom session. We had some really good discussions with everyone and we’re excited to see them hopefully apply this week for our opportunities."

Linda T

Director of Employer Relations

UNC Charlotte

"We have been using Eventus.io for about 2-3 years. I can honestly say it was a GREAT experience and very reliable. In fact, I have recommended Eventus.io to about 5 other folks who inquired about it. While there may be a lot of other software packages out there, my organization will be sticking with Eventus."

See More Eventus.io Reviews on Capterra

Case Studies

Interior Health Canada

Since the onset of the pandemic, Interior Health found itself in greater demand as healthcare services were constrained worldwide. Consequently, Interior Health needed to fill several unique roles and positions with very specific skill sets. In order to achieve their hiring objectives, Interrior Health Canada partnered with Eventus to take advantage of the pre screening and pre booking features.


Home to vast cohorts of entrepreneurs, GoingVC helps its members connect with opportunities across all industries. GoingVC is built around the idea of expanding its scope of networking and education investments. To this end, GoingVc partnered with Eventus to help make their talent more accessible.

University of Texas at Austin

Lead by a top-tier recruiting office, McCombs boasts leading job placement statistics worldwide. However due to pandemic, traditional means of recruitment became a rather impractical way for alumni and professionals to connect with current students due to safety concerns.

McGill University

School-wide fairs and events are essential components of the McGill community fabric to help students meet their job searching needs. With the sudden arrival of COVID-19, McGill had little time to adapt their event programming for the 2020-2021 school year.

More Screenshots


Recruiters can see and manage their sessions with candidates.


Recruiters can choose what times to be available on the day of the fair.


Candidates can reserve interview sessions with recruiters they're interested in.


Candidates can see their upcoming fairs and reservations on their Home Page.

Make your Next
Career Fair a Success

Eventus.io makes Virtual and Physical Event Solutions. Join over hundreds of institutions using Eventus.io products to power their events today.

If you would like to implement or have any questions about our Virtual Career Fair Product, please inquire below.

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