Career Fair Coordinator

Timeline of an Eventus Virtual Fair

Below is a typical timeline of what a virtual career fair hosted on the Eventus solution might look like. Fair coordinators can change or move...

Creating an Event

Each Virtual Career Fair you host is registered as an event in the system. From the Home Page, click the New Event button to navigate...

Setting up your Virtual Fair Timeframes

When creating an event, you provided a start date and end date for your event. You’ll be doing something similar here, except a bit more...

Adding Booths to your Fair

Prerequisities You can only begin inviting booths once you’ve specified your Event’s Timeframes. General Concept Eventus Digital Booths are designed to be as similar as...

Creating a Student Guide for your Event

Event Guides On the events page, you also have the ability to access the Guide feature. Event Guides are like mini-websites for your event. The...