Getting your invite to a Career Fair

As a recruiter taking part in a virtual fair powered by Eventus, in order to actually access your virtual booth, you will need to be...

Setting up your Booth

After you log in to your booth, you will be able to begin the booth setup process. Your booth will not be displayed to students...

Personalizing your Booth

When you personalize your booth, you will be asked to provide the following information: Booth Name  Booth Description  Booth Icon   Contact Email  Booth Tags  On...

Setting up your availability for 1-on-1 video chats

The career fair coordinator will provide the timeframe of the event within which you can set your availability when setting up your booth. Within the...

Setting up group sessions

In order to set up a group session at your booth, you will need to go to the “Manage Group Sessions” page at your booth: ...

Video room troubleshooting tips

The browser-based video room provided at your booth is compatible with all major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge; however, for best performance we...

Viewing Student bookings

Once students begin RSVPing to your sessions, you will be able to view detailed information about each student who has booked a session with you....

Cancelling Student video chat bookings

In order to cancel video chat bookings that students have made at your booth, you simply need to go to your booth Home page: Once...

Understanding booth analytics

After you’ve finished setting up your booth, your booth will then be viewable by students once the career fair coordinator shares the event and opens...