Below is a typical timeline of what a virtual career fair hosted on the Eventus solution might look like. Fair coordinators can change or move things around if they like, but the out-of-the-box Eventus solution is designed against the following workflow.
Phase 1: Event Setup
- Event Coordinator creates event in the system
- Event Coordinator sets up basic event details, like event name, description and dates
- Event Coordinator sets up specific timeframes of the event, when booths are allowed to host video calls with students
- Event Coordinator submits list of employer emails, each employer will receive one or more digital booths
Phase 2: Employer Setup
- Employers receive digital booth invite over email from Event Coordinator
- Employers personalize their booth after logging in via an easy to understand step-by-step tutorial
- Employers choose what times they will be available for the fair
Phase 3: Student Setup
- Students receive an event link from Event Coordinator
- Students set up their initial profile including their display name, profile picture, and year/major
- Students upload their resume
- Students browse the Employer booths on the Virtual Fair page, and book sessions with them
Phase 4: Day(s) of the Fair
- Employers and Students have their pre-scheduled video chats and group sessions with automated reminders ahead of time
- After the fair, Coordinators and Employers can review analytics to see what went well and how to improve for the next fair