Navigating To The Fair
To navigate to the virtual fair page and see the digital booths in attendance at the fair, please click on the Events link from your Home page.
This will bring you to the Events screen where you can see a list of available events. On the Events screen, click on the event that you are trying to access.
Once you are on the Event Page, you should see a button that will take you to the virtual fair.
Viewing A Booth
Once you’re on the Virtual Fair screen, you should see a listing of booths on the bottom left-hand side of your screen. Clicking on a booth will bring up more details about the booth.
Finding A Specific Booth
On the Virtual Fair screen, you have additional ways of finding a specific booth.
By typing in the search bar at top of the screen, you should be able to search for a booth by its title.
By clicking on the Filter button at the top of the screen, you should able to filter the booths by certain attributes.