How to Set Up a Virtual Mock Interview Event


To hone their interview skills, students often take part in mock interviews to practice their presentation and articulation. 

Unfortunately, social distancing measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have removed the option of hosting in-person mock interview events for the near future. 

The good news though is that mock interviews are relatively straightforward to organize virtually. 

Event Size

In order to get started with your virtual mock interview event, the first thing that you’ll need to consider is the size of your event. To elaborate, the size of your event will entail things like: 

  • The number of interviewers participating 
  • The number of students you want to accommodate
  • The time frame of your event
  • The number of interviews that will be conducted

Your event size will decide whether or not it’s feasible to host your event through DIY tools such as Zoom or through a platform specialized in virtual mock interview events. 

Small Mock Interview Events 

For mock interview events that are small, a DIY approach to hosting the event is perfectly viable.  

To accommodate a handful of interviewers, all you’ll need is a video chat tool like Zoom or Teams to host the interviews. 

When coordinating the logistics of your interview, you can utilize appointment booking tools like Calendly and YouCanBook.Me. These tools are very low cost and easy to set up for individual interviewers.

Students can then book specific time slots with the interviewers and connect at the designated time via Zoom. 

Large Mock Interview Events

For interview events on a larger scale, it’s better to utilize a platform specialized around mock interview event management. 

This is because it will be exponentially difficult to handle the logistics of a mock interview event where there may be several interviewers who will hold large amounts of mock interviews across a long time frame. 

In a situation like this you’ll want to provide a consistent experience across all your interviewers and ensure that interview scheduling is done in a very streamlined manner; otherwise, your event may turn into a logistical nightmare. 

Platforms such as offer a solution specifically built to accommodate pre-scheduled 1-on-1 video chat bookings. video chat pre-booking feature

Such solutions typically offer features such as scheduling, data collection, and video room capabilities all within a single platform to offer a smooth streamlined experience for your mock interview event.  

Although it may come with a fee, platforms specialized for mock interview events make your life much easier by ensuring that all aspects of your event are properly streamlined for your participants. 


Unlike large scale conferences, mock interview events fortunately are relatively simple to adapt into a virtual setting. 

When hosting one, you’ll mainly need to consider the size of your event so that you can determine the proper approach to setting it up. 

By Peter Feng

Client Success Specialist at

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